PackMaker - Panel Nesting for Hand Plotting
- Visual arrangement of panels on fabric, with rulers and calculation of fabric length and wastage.
- Arrangement of panels by dragging, flipping and rotating.
- Easily move and add panels between files, using Drag & Drop.
- Splitting of panels to any width.
- Checks for panel overlaps.
- Sail picture for each file.
- Printing of panel offsets and positions for manual plotting.
- Powerful Nesting Tools
- Accurately set panel spacing.
- Arrow Key Panel Compaction instantly and accurately compacts.
- Drag & Drop Nesting with a continuously updating preview.
- Automatic Nesting sorts and organises panels to reduce nesting time. One click and the whole queue is nested, radials matched together and sorted into rows.
- Labour and material saving features, auto nesting, fabric wastage, frame rulers.
- Optimised plotter movement routines.
- Extensive compatibility with CADCAM industry standards.

PlotMaker provides the most advanced and effective panel nesting tools available to the Sailmaker, to reduce fabric costs and save time. PlotMaker's extensive range of plotter/cutter drivers and CAD import/export features ensures excellent compatibility with other hardware and software.
PlotMaker incorporates the nesting features of PackMaker with the additional functions of plotter control. Drivers are available and are used daily for most brands of plot/cutters including: Aeronaut (Xplot & Maxis), Armstrong & White (Genesis, Taurus and Laser), Axon, Blackman & White Orion, Carlson, Cutting Edge, Design Correlations, Houston, HPGL, Isel, MCS, ProSail. Custom drivers can also be provided on request.
- Importing of pictures, including fonts, for plotting from CAD and drawing programs through the PICT format.
- Exporting of panels as PICT files for modifications and additions in other programs.
- Importing of Panellist Text and Binary files.
- Exporting of panels as NTV
PlotMaker CAD
PlotMaker - Panel Nesting & Plotter/Cutter Control